About Reinventing Schools
To use an analogy, the horse-and-buggy is to the jet plane as the current school system is to _________________. This book fills in the blank.
Since A Nation at Risk was published in 1983, there has been widespread recognition that public education is failing in the U.S. Many expensive reforms have been attempted to no avail, and costs have increased dramatically. Furthermore, economic austerity requires educational systems to do more with less. This book presents convincing evidence that paradigm change – such as the change of lighting systems from the candle to the light bulb – is the only way to significantly improve student learning and simultaneously lower costs.
The authors provide a thought-provoking vision of the new paradigm of education, including a new brain-based pedagogy, professional role for teachers, central role for technology, and more empowered role for students and parents. The authors also describe three examples – a school, a school district, and a school model – that have implemented many features of the new paradigm, along with evidence of their effectiveness. Finally, this book describes ways we can transform our Industrial-Age school systems to the new paradigm, including ways our state and federal governments can help.

Charles M. Reigeluth
Due to frustration with his own schooling, Charles Reigeluth decided when he was 16 years old to devote his career to help make education a lot more motivating, effective, and efficient. He taught high school for
three years, was a professor at Indiana University doing field research for 25 years, and helped a small school district in Indianapolis to engage in a reinvention process for 12 years.

Jennifer R. Karnopp
Jennifer Karnopp has a Masters in Special Education and a Ph.D. in Educational Administration. She has been an advocate for child-centered education for the past 20 years, working in both traditional schools and
non-traditional education settings. She was the Founding Head of School at the Robert Frost Charter School in North Conway, New Hampshire. She is currently assistant professor in Educational Leadership at San Diego State University.
Outstanding Book Award!
Reinventing Schools received the 2013 "Outstanding Book of the Year" award from the Systemic Change Division of the Assoc. for Educational Communications and Technology.
"This is essential reading for all who are concerned about America's future.”
Scott Thompson,
Assistant Executive Director of Panasonic Foundation
"This book offers readers deep insights to the systemic crisis in education and what to do about it. Their book helps readers to see that the need is great, the time is right, and 'whole' school systems must be transformed. This is, therefore, a book that must be in the hands of every policymaker, state superintendent of schools, and school system superintendent who recognizes the crisis and who wants to do something about it.”
Francis M. Duffy,
Professor of Public Administration, Gallaudet University
"Reinventing Schools will be the most talked about book for those who are serious about creating a new educational system. Well written and thought out and very timely."
Phillip Harris, Ed.D.,
Executive Director Association for Educational Communications & Technology
This book has been translated to Chinese and Japanese