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Merging the Instructional Design Process with Learner-Centered Theory: 

The Holistic 4D Model

Ideas for Examples of Student Projects

Professors, please share with us a brief description of projects your students have conducted, including: 

  • The instructional goals,

  • The nature of the instruction, 

  • The kind of organization or other context for which it was done, and 

  • Any other information you think might be useful to other professors.  


Please also share any ideas you have about different kinds of student projects or other assignments, and whether they are for teams or individuals.


You can email them to either Charlie or Yunjo.

Those descriptions will appear below with full credit to you and your institution.

Documents from Student Projects

Please share with us some exemplary ADE documents or other products that your students have developed for your course, including the authors’ names (with their permission).  If you have suggestions for improvements to the templates or forms, please send them to us. 

Also, please share with us some discussion questions and other student activities or assignments that you have found helpful. 

You can email them to either Charlie or Yunjo.

Those examples and activities will appear below.


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